Podcast Episode Title:

Diary of a CEO: Ep101: The Happiness Expert That Made 51 Million People Happier: Mo Gawdat

Why I chose it: It was recommended to me by a friend, at a time when I started taking my own mental heath more seriously and it resonated intensely with me.

What I especially liked about it: The person being interviewed, Mo Gawdat, is so completely different to me in his career, life circumstance, culture and religion and yet, his words reflected so much of what I want my life to be like. He endured unimaginable loss and his outlook touched something so fundamental in me. He speaks about happiness in mathematical terms while I work in narratives and feeling and yet somehow I could connect to everything he spoke about in more than a passing way. Each part has something to offer and it made me wish it was the soundtrack to my life.


Ms Michelle Mifsud


Dr Nigel Camilleri